stade d'imbibition plasmatique
- Domaine
- médecine
Définition :
Phase ischémique pendant laquelle l'exsudat plasmatique va pénétrer le greffon entraînant avec lui les cellules sanguines.
Termes :
- stade d'imbibition plasmatique n. m.
- circulation plasmatique n. f.
Auteur : Université de Montréal,Définition
A period of (...) accumulation of red blood cells drawn into the capillaries of the graft by the plasmatic circulation.
Note :
While many authors agree that there is no initial circulation of fluid between the graft and the host bed, there is disparity as to whether this fluid is "plasma" or "serum". In this process however, the "graft passively absorbs nutrients like a sponge" until there is vascularization through bridging.
Termes :
- phase of serum imbibition
- plasmatic circulation
- plasmatic imbibition