- Domaines
- sportcanoë-kayak
- loisirloisir de plein air
- Dernière mise à jour
Définition :
Technique qui consiste à incliner une embarcation sur son axe longitudinal, permettant au pagayeur d'utiliser l'effet du courant ou de lui résister.
Termes privilégiés :
- gîte n. f.
- gite n. f. rectifications de l'orthographe
Auteur : Office québécois de la langue française,Note :
The capsizing force of a strong lateral current is double : first, the sudden sideward acceleration produces the familiar rugpulling effect, and second, the lateral flow of water under the curve of the hull sucks down on the upstream side. You can counter both these forces by leaning away from the oncoming water, tipping the hull to offer the bottom, rather than the bilge, to the current. At the same time, your weight is used to balance against the inertial pull. If you now use your paddle on that side, held in much the same way as for a draw stroke to support part of your weight as you lean, the position is made very stable.
Terme :
- boat lean