instillation chimiothérapique
- Domaine
- médecine
- Dernière mise à jour
Note :
To instill : instiller un liquide dans, faire pénétrer goutte à goutte.
Termes privilégiés :
- instillation chimiothérapique n. f.
- chimio-instillation n. f.
- instillation médicamenteuse n. f.
- goutte-à-goutte chimiothérapique n. m.
- chimiothérapie intraveineuse n. f.
- chimiothérapie par instillation n. f.
Auteur : Office québécois de la langue française,Notes :
British doctors announced today that they are testing a new form of round-the-clock drug therapy using a tiny pump that could reduce the need for breast cancer surgery. About 250 patients are expected to participate in a trial of a continuous "infusion therapy" technique... We recently completed a pilot study which has encouraged us to believe that using a conventional anti-tumor drug administered in this new way can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment.
To infuse: to introduce, as if by pouring; to cause to penetrate; to instill.Terme :
- infusion chemotherapy